Newent Onion Fayre
As in previous years we will be offering FREE coaching sessions at the Newent Onion Fayre on Saturday 9th September 2017
Countrytastic and Three Counties Show 2015
Many of you will have visited us at Countrytastic and the Three Counties Show at the Malvern showground. We have made many friends over the years and looked forwarded to seeing you every year.
Sorry, but we will not be at either event this year. There has been a change of emphasis at both shows and as a consequence we have not been invited to attend either event in 2015.
Our next major event will be at the Newent Onion Fayre on 12th September 2015; free fishing sessions as usual, we would love to see you there.
Welcome to YAP - The Young Anglers Project
The Young Anglers Project provides coarse fishing coaching for young people in Gloucestershire, Herefordshire and Worcestershire.
Our aim is to teach young people of all academic abilities about angling using appropriate classroom and practical sessions.
We work primarily in partnership with the Environment Agency, the Angling Trust, the Three Counties Agricultural Society, Fisheries, Schools, Local Education Authorities, Social Services and local Police Forces.
Broadly we cater for three areas
Individual tuition – often with young people referred by the Local Education Authority or Social services. This has proved to be very effective at reducing anti social behavior.
Group tuition – often with schools, this can be purely extra curricular or can lead to the formal N-OCN qualification ‘Introduction to Angling and the Environment’
Event tuition – with a large pool of tutors we provide fishing tuition and demonstration at large events such as The Three Counties Show, tutoring many hundreds of young and not so young people at every event.
YAP relies on donations to keep our project going. If you would like to help us please click here to go to our donate page